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Happy Feets and Paws

At Happy Feets and Paws, we strive to be your best source of Free Recipes online and how to cook them easily. Our site will help you learn how to cook your favorite dishes step by step. Our videos take you through all the details making it easy to follow along. Every now and then we sprinkle in a little travel and adventure when money and time permits. We hope you will enjoy our Recipe Site.

What makes us different from other recipe websites? We upload unique flavors from across the world. Every recipe we upload is one we’ve tested and enjoyed. If we make a recipe and it’s not good we will not upload it. Some large websites focus on bulk or as many recipes as they can publish. We focus on a select few that we’ve enjoyed and make regularly. Think of this site as our recipe cookbook shared with the world.

Our Most Recent Recipes

Our Recipe Categories. (More Coming Soon!)

Catching up in 2024 and Transparency

We’ve been behind on updating the website. We apologize for the delays! We’re starting work on a new series of recipes to add to the website. We’ve had some great traffic to the website which has increased our costs. We attempted to get Amazon affiliate links to keep ads off of the website. However, our traffic changed to a global reach. Many of our viewers didn’t use the Amazon links. As a result, Amazon shut down our affiliate account. (I think we generated $3 over the course of 8 months).

We will continue to keep the links to products on Amazon for ease of finding specific products. However, we make no money from these as our account was closed.

Light Ads

We never wanted ads on our site. It’s much of the reason we started However, the success of the site and traffic has caused the cost of running the website to become difficult for us to continue paying for without any revenue. As a result, we will implement light ads on the site.

Ingredient Links

Occasionally we link to broad searches such as salt, pepper, canning salt, etc. We want you to see a list of products that you can choose from when we do this. We don’t necessarily care about specific products or ingredients when we do this. However, some links such as coconut milk will go directly to specific brands. This is because we test specific products.

Specific Ingredients

We’ve found with many ingredients if we choose different brands the results are not always great. Our goal is for you to create our recipes with the same results as we have had. Sometimes those ingredients are more expensive or are difficult to source. Coconut milk is probably the best example of why we do this. We’ve used 3-4 different types of coconut milk for our Biko recipe. Only one brand would create the coconut curds properly to complete the recipe.

Another great example is the rice. Not all rice is created equal. You will have significantly different results between brands and types.

Site Longevity

Our goal behind all of these decisions is to keep the site clutter-free, fast, and easy to use. We look forward to continuing to share our recipes and are starting the process to get more on the site every day. We truly appreciate all the feedback and support everyone has given us for the website.

We try to upload weekly and create content whenever we can. From cooking, traveling, family, learning, cat videos, and more. We want to share our lives in the hope that it will brighten your day. Also, we want to store our memories on YouTube to remember the great adventures we have had together.

Who We Are

I’m Mari and my husband is Jacob. I make most of the recipes, edit, film, and write all the recipes. Jacob occasionally makes a recipe or two when I need a break. He does our website and is our designated taste tester. To see more of his work. Check out his current project Instant Roofer.